OAI-PMH Support ====================================================================================== **OAI-PMH** (Open Archive Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Hervesting) standarizes archive data transmission between organizations. Arts Combinatòries allows to configure XML data export to make them avialable to OAICAT_ module, which must be incorporated. .. _OAICat http://www.oclc.org/research/activities/oaicat/default.htm To have our data available in OAI-PMH, following steps must be considered: Configure ---------------- A proper configuration of main application properties is required (Configuration Sep 3). Also, OAI_PATH property must be set with directory path where XML files will be used by OAICat. OAICat module must be configured the next way: 1. In both files WEB-INF/oaicat.properties and WEB-INF/filesys.properties 2. Put in **FileSystemOAICatalog.homeDir** the directory path specified at OAI_PATH property 3. Put in **FileMap2oai_dc.xsltName** the absolute path to XSL file WEB-INF/etdms2dc.xsl (or any other customized XSL) 4. It might be necessary to configure properties (...) of web.xml, setting in the absolute path to oaicat.properties file Mapping ------------ "oai-mapping.json" file must be added in (CONFIG_PATH)/mapping/ with a sort of content: :: { "xmlHeader":"", "xmlFooter":"", "xmlPrefix":"oai_etdms", "data": [ { "name":"title", "path":["my:Document.my:Title"] }, { "name":"description", "path":["my:Document.my:Description"] }, { "name":"language", "path":["my:Document.my:hasTranslation=my:Language.my:Name"] } // ... ] } Note that it's a mapping language equivalent to Solr indexation's. **xmlHeader**, **xmlFooter**, **xmlPrefix** depend on XSL that is used. Terms correspond to Dublin Core (DC) specification: title, creator, description, subject, date, type, identifier, etc. Export ---------------- In order to having our data exported according to our mapping, next service should be used: :: Service path: http://{host:port}/{appname}/oai/{regex} HTTP Method: GET Returns: "success" or "error" This service call will lead to having a set of XML located in OAI_PATH. If the parameter ``regex`` is not empty, only the items which have an id that matches the regular expression ``regex`` are selected to convert to XML. For instance, a ``regex`` = ``OG218.*`` would convert to XML only the items with ids starting with OG218. OAICat ---------------- Upon file generation, our data is fully available for being harvested by third parties (for instance: http://host:port/oaicat)