AC REST services provide CRUD access to data. All communication is in JSON format.
Creates a new object of specific type and data
Service path: http://{host:port}/{appname}/resource/upload
HTTP Method: PUT
Accepted content: */json
Returns: Identifier of uploaded object or "error"
Http request body must contain a JSON list of key-value tuples.
“type” or “rdf:type” is a required key, otherwise returns error.
“about” is a recommended key in order to generate proper object identifiers.
Multilingual properties can be specified with language code prefix for each value (see example).
PUT Example
"about":"New York City",
"my:name":"New York City@en",
"my:name":"Nueva York@es",
Note that language prefix is ‘@’ plus language code.
OK Result
Retrieves specific object data
Service path: http://{host:port}/{appname}/resource/{identifier}
HTTP Method: GET
Returns: JSON object data
GET Example
OK Result
"about":"New York City",
"my:name":"New York City@en",
"my:name":"Nueva York@es",
Retrieves whether an specified object exists or not
Service path: http://{host:port}/{appname}/resource/{identifier}/exists
HTTP Method: GET
Returns: "true" or "false"
GET Example
OK Result
Updates specified object data.
Service path: http://{host:port}/{appname}/resource/{identifier}/update
Accepted content: */json
Returns: "success" or "error"
Http request body must contain a JSON list of key-value tuples.
In order to remove any existing property, this must be sent with empty value. Unsent properties remain unchanged.
Identifier and type cannot be changed.
POST Example
// Starting from previous example
"type":"Person", // has no effect (same with "rdf:type")
"name":"City of New York" // changes property value (and turns to a single-value property)
"abbrevitation":"", // removes property
"population":"8175133", // creates property
OK Result
Deletes specified object
Service path: http://{host:port}/{appname}/resource/{identifier}/delete
Returns: "success" or "error"