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OAI-PMH Support

OAI-PMH (Open Archive Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Hervesting) standarizes archive data transmission between organizations. Arts Combinatòries allows to configure XML data export to make them avialable to OAICAT module, which must be incorporated.

To have our data available in OAI-PMH, following steps must be considered:


A proper configuration of main application properties is required (Configuration Sep 3).

Also, OAI_PATH property must be set with directory path where XML files will be used by OAICat.

OAICat module must be configured the next way:

  1. In both files WEB-INF/ and WEB-INF/
  2. Put in FileSystemOAICatalog.homeDir the directory path specified at OAI_PATH property
  3. Put in FileMap2oai_dc.xsltName the absolute path to XSL file WEB-INF/etdms2dc.xsl (or any other customized XSL)
  4. It might be necessary to configure <context-param><param-name>properties (...) of web.xml, setting in <param-value> the absolute path to file


“oai-mapping.json” file must be added in (CONFIG_PATH)/mapping/ with a sort of content:

        "xmlHeader":"<oai_etdms:thesis xmlns:oai_etdms=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">",




                // ...

Note that it’s a mapping language equivalent to Solr indexation’s. xmlHeader, xmlFooter, xmlPrefix depend on XSL that is used. Terms correspond to Dublin Core (DC) specification: title, creator, description, subject, date, type, identifier, etc.


In order to having our data exported according to our mapping, next service should be used:

Service path: http://{host:port}/{appname}/oai/{regex}
HTTP Method: GET
Returns: "success" or "error"

This service call will lead to having a set of XML located in OAI_PATH. If the parameter regex is not empty, only the items which have an id that matches the regular expression regex are selected to convert to XML. For instance, a regex = OG218.* would convert to XML only the items with ids starting with OG218.


Upon file generation, our data is fully available for being harvested by third parties (for instance: http://host:port/oaicat)